Saturday, February 03, 2007


This morning was just what I needed.
Somehow… every year… I seem to get just what I need in the form of nice… fluffy… white… cold… SNOW. I cannot describe how much I LOVE SNOW. It brings SO many opportunities. Skiing is the best sport EVER… And just walking and hearing the crunch, crunch, crunch under your feet. It is pretty awesome. And it brings people together. I’m NOT even kidding… it REALLY does. Last year, during this HUGE snow storm during a HUGE struggle in my life… I realized that I had some good people in my life (none of which are actually STILL in my life, but that’s a totally different issue). I realized that God works in the most mysterious ways – and He has a plan, and He totally knows what He is doing and He knows SO much that He knows that something as small as a snow storm can totally bring glory to Him and peace to any situations that someone might be facing. Peace is SO important, and when I think snow, I think PEACE: God’s peace. God has peacefully blanketed everything with snow to protect it through the bitterness and coldness that winter brings, so that once the snow melts, it is able to grow again. New growth… Hmmm… Interesting…
This morning I went TOBOGANING!!!!!!!! CAN YOU SAY "super nifty callafragalicious wackily swelled expeielodociously amazingly fun"???? I haven’t been for a really, really long time (probably at least eight or nine years – you know, when childhood ended and I decided I was too old for that stuff and also WAY too mature and all that jazz). Tobogganing… It was fun – to say the absolutely LEAST. We went with Operation God, a Children’s program through my church that I volunteer at on Saturday mornings. So… my first run... I didn't go all out... as I was with a five year old who was oh so cute but afraid to go all by himself. But... then we worked it out. He went once with me, and realized that it was really fun and then wasn’t afraid. I think that he actually wasn’t afraid to start with, because he was pretty pro once he got used to the sled etc. My second run included me... on a GT snow racer made for a ten year old... and the ten year old who owned it giving me a mighty push. Also fun.
THEN I was racing these two older kids (by older, I definitely mean that they were ten and twelve… not older than me – just older than the majority of the rest of the kids)... and the one kid TRIED TO TAKE ME OUT... I swear and know it, probably because he TOLD me that that is what he was trying to do... haha... so... he was in a GT and he was trying to cut me off (because, they can steer a little better than toboggans)... so, I had to roll outta my sled and purposely WIPE OUT so that I didn’t SMASH into him... which is actually what he wanted, but as a leader and all, I didn’t think that that was such a good idea.
THEN... These three girls were kind of not so into it, and I was like... "We should ALL go down on ONE sled" so... we obviously didn’t all fit on one sled, so we grabbed a second one and we all linked arms etc and went down, four of us... all together, in two sleds… that were attached… by US. We did that about five times, wiping out in a variety of fun, fun ways. We only REALLY messed it up (and by messed up, I mean it was HILLLLLLARIOUS and totally… Hilarious) when Mary switched with Chelsea and decided she was toooo coool to SIT in the sled (haha... ooooh funny) and knelt instead and then we separated somehow (probably because we weren’t holding on to the other sled tight enough) and basically I ended up (with the other three)rolling down the majority of the hill (or maybe not even that far)... BUT SOOOO FUN! Tobogganing = good times. Snow = AWESOME.
THEN two MORE friends came, and they wanted to join us... SO... since six of us wouldn't all fit SITTING in two sleds... we squished to the front and then the two other girls STOOD on the back of the two sleds. THAT TIME we ACTUALLY made it ALL the way to the BOTTOM and NO ONE fell off or wiped out or ANYTHING. Which is good, because I was a little worried about the “standers” and whether they would make it safely to the bottom. It was pretty cool.
THEN... you know when you are stepping on snow and the depth of the snow suddenly changes but you have absolutely no idea that such a thing is going to happen so you end up going from NO snow to PAST YOUR KNEES DEEP IN SNOW... and then falling... because of the depth? That is ALSO really fun.... followed by a "First day with your new legs?" comment. Oh yeah.... funnny... hahaha . And I am really not being sarcastic about the funness of ANY of this… because… well – because I’m being serious.
I repeat, this morning was just what I needed!!! I am also definitely heading out to… some park (if we can find one) near my house in my snow gear RIGHT NOW (its eight thirty pm) to play in the snow with my roomie. It is going to be a blast. This reminds me SO much of good times last year when we all played Capture the Flag at two in the morning at Vic Park downtown (yes, middle of the night, vic park, downtown Brantford… we were totally being safe there). The only DIFFERENCE is… this year, I have SNOWPANTS… which will avoid the frost bite on my legs.
Thank God for snow. And thank God that He is God.
I have posted some of my FAVOURITE snow pictures here. I have always been drawn to snow. No wonder why!!! Let's give this a try....

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Anonymous said...

im jealous you got to go only consolation is that you got stuck in the snow and someone made fun of you :P lol....can;t with until the hoe down this weekend!!!!!!!...sooo looking forward to it!

Anonymous said...

PS..that was from me...samantha marie henderson....i forgot i dont exist on here

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I LOVE SNOW TOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but i wish i got to go tobagganing ... perhaps we will go sometime when we have nothing better to do or we are avoding things we don't want to do. But we did have fun on our snowy night adventure... who knew that playing in the snow at 9:30 at night was soooooo much fun... i guess we found out and we have the pics to prove it. anyway 2 pairs of sweatpants and 1 pair of pj pants do work really well as snowpants ...who knew? but it was alot of fun... and from what i have heard you had a fun and interesting time tobagganing with OPG and we had fun on our adventures and i bet there will be many more to come this year!!!!

Ps: see i finally left a comment, now you can stop bugging me for a while.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.