Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I Miss You!

My tribute to the most amazing sister/person in the whole wide world... MY SISTER... Miss Crys. I'm hoping by the end of this, she knows how much I love her and everyone else does too. Because I do, I just love her sooooooooo much and I don't know what I would do without her. She is just an amazing person. Everything about her. She is strong and she holds her ground against the boys. She is an awesome athlete, even though she's been playing soccer and hockey, as well as many other random sports such as wheel chair basketball, dragonboat racing, white water rafting etc etc (the list goes on) with a torn ACL for who knows HOW long... And she is still awesome. She started off as a goalie for our soccer team like... four years ago... she wasn't that good. I'm gonna say it. But now, she is AWESOME.
Crystal cares so much about other people. I think she mostly cares more about other people than herself. She is always concerned about me... no matter what she is always there for me. She is the one that I can go to with anything... and she has started sharing stuff with me too... And she just WANTS to be the best sister that she can be... and she IS and I love her very much for it!

As Christmas season is fast approaching, I find myself missing my big sister... a .... LOT....

See, the thing is... Since I've known my sister, I've never not spent Christmas with her (Ok, so I think the first two years it was Christmas EVE, but that is a small technicality, and Christmas Eve = just as important as Christmas itself... ish... not really... kinda... ANYways)..... But this year, it is going to be different.

She is going to AussssieTown to visit the CUTEST children in the world, Harley and Maddy, who are her best friend's children... only thing is... she is leaving TWO days BEFORE I finish up here in the Bdot... and she is coming home... alas... ONE day before I have to come back here for Winter term to begin. That's just SUCKY. Like, she's not only missing CHRISTMAS, she is missing DECEMBER.

I'm still stewing about this. I'm not thrilled, but I'm happy that she is getting the opportunity to see her best friend and the babies. Its just.... sad! But I know that she is going to have an awesome time and bring me home tons of pictures and stories of the little cuties. I know that it is an amazing opportunity for her... so I guess that Christmas... isn't... I dont know... Christmas is still Christmas and we have a strong family. But Crys is going to be missed TERRIBLY!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Going To Church Alone...

"What's the matter with going to church on your own?" -- Krystal

"You are never really going to church alone, if you think about it, there is always a community of fellow believers. Upon entering the church, you become one with the "family" oriented congregation and in the house of God, you are His child and family. "
{"Steve, I'm going to correct you in my blog."
"Don't CORRECT me... that was philisophical"}
But alas, I must correct him. We are God's children ALWAYS, not only when we are in the Lord's House. However... when two or more gather in His name.... so... that happens when we are at church, regardless of whether we are at church or not, actually.

So, why am I writing about going to church alone? Let me first define alone, as to not merit any confusion. When I say alone, I mean that you are not entering the building with anyone, or plannly meeting any of your friends or family there. Likely, you are going to sit alone. Alone, in this case, means without the presence of other people. I know that God is always with us. But I just don't like going to church "alone". I'm not a fan. Its a little overwhelming, and a little out of my comfort zone.

I'm still going to do to church, don't get my wrong. Its just going to be that much more out of my comfort zone than going to a new church in a new city with new people and knowing no one there already is. That's all. I'm not a fan, I'm just not.

Unfortunately, for the thing that is trying to keep me from going to church... Thats not really going to stop me or render me anymore useless and/or important.

I just wanted to put that out there!

The End!