Tuesday, February 20, 2007


So... for one reason or another... I've been thinking a lot about childhood... specifically my childhood. That might sound really weird... but that is OK. I've recently gotten kind of back in touch with some friends of mine... not totally in touch, but still - talking.

I was basically raised beside this huge dutch family... since I was four years old. There are seven kids in the family... and I was close with the last four... Esther, Aletta, Lisse and Tessa. They were really like sisters to me, that I never had... because I didnt have any sisters growing up. But we had a lot of fun together. I just remember some of it.. and will probably think of other things later... but we used to run around the neighbourhood, barefoot, playing cops and robbers, jumping on the trampoline, riding bikes... we put on plays, they were neighbourhood producutions and we charged people to come and watch them, we snuck into the RBG after hours and played there... hide and go seek, babysitting together, building forts... there are SO many things. We spent A LOT of time together, A LOT of days and had a lot of slumber parties where we may or may not have slept. I went to church with them sometimes, on Sunday nights, and sometimes on Sunday mornings... and I went to Dutch school a couple of times. I know some random words... and I know their Christmas story thing... ha.

We never like, stopped talking because we were really angry at each other or anything, it was just because we kind of drifted apart because life took us in different directions. It probably really started with high school - because I went to public school and they were to private school - and then I was competing a lot in high school at a higher level, so I was never really around. At all. Ha.

Basically, if you know me well... you will know that I am totally hooked on droppies and pepernoten (ha, I CANNOT spell those AT ALL, but if you know what I mean, then you know what I mean, if not... go to a dutch shop... haha). Basically, I love those things because I had them at my neighbours house all of the time. Other things? There are probably some randoms... but I cannot think of them right now.

But anyways, it is fun that we are kind of back in touch now, and I've been totally remembering all of the good times that we have had. And I've been going thru my pictures... which is diffficult, because they are at home and I am at school... but... I have a couple here. I want to get some more on the computer (these are from the era without digital cameras being so popular, so I had to scan them). But anyways, I am going to find some more older ones.. .these are the most recent ones I think that I have actually... from around 2000/2001 ish.

Esther was my very best friend for years and years. I spent so much time with her, we had SO many HUGE fights... AND... I remember something REALLY embarressing... But, one time we sang "doe a dear" with actions at a Talent show at her church... SO bad.
One summer, cousins stayed at their house for the entire summer while their aunt had her baby Marie... So this is Tessa and I with Thomas and Enna.
Lisse and I

Lisse, Tessa, Aletta and I
Tessa, Esther, Lisse and I

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