Thursday, March 15, 2007


"Don't cry because it's over... SMILE because it HAPPENED"

Another year at Laurier Brantford is almost over.
I remember how CRAZY HARD it was for me at this time last year. SUPER DEE DUPERLY HARD. I just totally bawled my eyes out (I know, for those who know me now, HARD to believe!)

But then... a VERY VERY VERY wise person told me this quote - DON'T cry because its over, smile because it happened.

And it really helped me! Kind of... AFTER all of the tears, it really helped me! Really! So... I know that a lot of you are graduating, or leaving residence, or moving on to BIGGER and better things. So, just remember what did happen, and the good times that you had, and hold on to that, not dwelling on the fact that it is over.

Remember that if you are not changing you are not growing! And what fun is it to be the same all of the time? Sometimes I think that it makes things a lot easier... but really just makes change, which is going to happen eventually no matter how hard you fight it.... THAT much harder in the end!

Trust me, it was REALLY hard for me to get this last year too! Anyone who was at the residence life banquet will remember me THAT night (and Heather was my cry buddy, ha). Its difficult, but worth knowing in the end!

I love you all and wish you the best of luck for any changes that are happening in your life right now... those changes that just HAPPEN in April of every year when you are this age!

---------- erin

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