Saturday, October 21, 2006

What is Love?

Ok... so I LOVE this speech SO much. It was made on this really interestly yet corny but totally wicked (if you know the type) reality show on TLC called The Messengers by Angelica Osborne.

“We use the word love all the time… like… I loved that movie… Girl, I love them shoes… I love me some Mexican food. But the thing is, when you’re having to define it, it’s hard to put a feeling into a statement.

Now I can’t define love… but I can describe it. ‘Cause I know when I feel it, and I know when I see it.
Love is when you hug someone so tight, and it still isn’t close enough…
Love is when your ten month old baby does this ((put arms up to get picked up)) as soon as she sees you come into the room.
Love is this mother I read about who visits the penitentiary every Saturday to see the man who killed her son in a drunk driving accident.
Love is when you stand at the fence after dropping off your second grader, just hoping that she’ll turn back and blow you one more kiss.
Love is that ache that just caves your chest in when you hear that song that reminds you of the person you knew who died.
Love is when you were in that ugly phase and you had the bad Annie perm and the acne and the thick classes but cousin Fred, every time he saw you, would say “HEY BEAUTIFUL.”
Love is when you tell your fiancé that deep terrible, dark, secret you thought you could never share and he still wants to spend the rest of his life with you.
Love is that puppy tat is so happy to see you he actually pees on himself.
Love is when your child says to you, “Mommy, I want to die when you die so we’ll be in heaven together.”
Love is the rage and the anger that you feel when your best friend tells you the person that hurt him as a child and broke his spirit.
Love is when your Mama jumped out of bed at three in the morning and to hold your head while you were vomiting… and then changed the sheets and sat on the side of the tube with crackers and soda pop…
Love is when she did it again at five am, seven am, and nine am.
Love is when you’re petting your kiddy cat and she’s purring so hard she starts to hiccup
Love is when you saw that Nova video “The Miracle of Birth” and you clearly understood what an episiotomy was… and you still preyed God would send you a baby.
Love is when Jesus was on the cross and he asked His father to forgive those who beat Him, and marred him and tortured him, because he said, “They know not what they do.”
Love is the fact that your God knows all your weaknesses, all your fallacies, all your failures, and He still thinks you’re the best thing He ever did.

I can’t define love, but I can describe love. Love is when you feel your heart either because it’s aching, because it’s warm, because it’s tingling, or because it’s splitting right down the middle. That’s when you know, that you’re experiencing love.”


Miss Monroe said...

comment...ummm...i stole your blog! miss you!

cruz_17 said...

miss u too bella